Hi-Z High Impedance Amplifier


     The Hi-Z amp is the very heart of the shortened vertical systems from Hi-Z Antennas (tm).

       This high impedance amplifier was designed to amplify the signals received on shortened, unmatched vertical antennas for the 160 and 80 meter amateur radio bands.  Its primary purpose is accurate antenna signal processing which allows the construction of high performance multiple element arrays. In typical operation the input is connected between ground and an insulated vertical antenna of 10 to 20 feet in length. The output then drives a 75 ohm coaxial cable to a suitable combiner. Typical parallel input impedance is 40Kohm and 20pf. and -3dB bandwidth is in excess of 70 MHz. Voltage gain is calibrated at 0.5. The unit features power from the coax and a red LED power indicator.

    The Plus-6 version provides the same performance while adding 6dB more gain and thus, 6dB better noise figure for the Hi-Z arrays. Click here


Common mode isolation built in.

Operates from 13.8 Volts DC.

75 ohm matched output impedance.

·        L=4.6  W=2.6  H=1.6 (not including the terminals or connectors)

Quality G-10 fiberglass circuit board

Stainless screws for antenna input and plated type F for output connectors.


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